On Saturday, 19th October, IBSA Derma, the dermo-aesthetic division of IBSA, hosted the 2nd Edition of the symposium Ácido Hialurónico: Beyond The Last Frontier, at the Reina Sofía Museum auditorium in Madrid. During the event, we introduced an innovative facial treatment designed to restore the subcutaneous adipose tissue of the face.
Through its patented technology Nahyco® – already successfully used in other areas – IBSA introduced cutting-edge solutions also in aesthetic medicine, which have been transforming the sector for over ten years.
IBSA Derma introduces a new treatment to Address Facial Ageing through Fat Tissue Restoration

The symposium featured renowned aesthetic doctors, both nationally and internationally, including Dr. Natalia Ribé, Dr. Beatriz Molina, Dr. Luciano Lanfranchi and Dr. Moisés R. Abascal , who shared their experience with the new treatment. Throughout the event, key topics such as facial anatomy, advanced injection techniques, and the practical application of the treatment in daily practice were discussed.
The day concluded with luxury marketing expert Antònio Paraíso, who provided attendees with innovative strategies to enhance the patient experience in their clinics.

Additionally, on Thursday in Madrid, the treatment was presented to over 20 beauty and lifestyle journalists. This new solution is set to revolutionise how we address skin ageing.
"Having this innovative solution represents a significant advancement in daily clinical practice, as it is the first treatment based on Cooperative Hybrid Complexes capable of restoring subcutaneous adipose tissue, allowing us to recover the original characteristics of the facial structures that provide support," said Dr. Ribé.
By consolidating its expertise in developing treatments for both the face and body, the company is committed to offering increasingly specific solutions that act not only on the skin's surface but also in deeper layers and tissues.
As a true advocate of beauty beyond the standards imposed by society, IBSA Derma introduces this new treatment as a way to reveal the unique potential within each of us.